Feedback is a critical component of ensuring the Encompas Mental Health Wellness Program continues to grow and develop in a way that serves members and their families well. We encourage you to share your thoughts, suggestions and concerns of the program, so we can proactively evolve the program into an optimal mental health support service.

We offer two ways to share your feedback:

  • A detailed survey to provide comprehensive feedback on your experience with the Encompas Mental Health Wellness Program
  • A quick form for sharing brief feedback.

Choose the option that works best for you below.

Complete Our Feedback Survey

This confidential and anonymous survey, sent by Dalton Associates’ Leadership Team, seeks feedback on your experience with the Encompas Mental Health Wellness Program to improve services and support for OPP members and their families.

Click here to complete the feedback survey

Quick Feedback Form

Use this below form to provide feedback on the Encompas Mental Health Wellness Program. Please be assured that your feedback is completely confidential. Feedback is received by the Encompas Clinical Leadership Team, and is not shared with the OPPA or the OPP at any time. Feedback may be de-identified and shared with Care Managers for training and quality improvement purposes.