We know that mental health and wellness comes from more than just within ourselves. It is influenced by, and also actively influences, our environments, occupation, childhood development and early experiences, current responsibilities at home and work, nutrition, finances, physical health, relationships, etc.
In developing a customized plan of care for everyone who accesses the Encompas program, our Care Managers are mindful of these influencing circumstances. They will ensure OPPA members receive wrap-around support, resources, and information, including (though not limited to):
- Streamlined access to complementary support services that can help address nutritional, financial, legal, familial, caregiving, career, and healthcare concerns
- Streamlined access to second-opinion services for physical or mental health care diagnoses and treatment plans
- Navigational support for individuals accessing WSIB or LTIP, as well as access to clinicians with experience and skills supporting individuals who have WSIB or LTIP claims
- Information, resources, and streamlined access to counselling and assessment services for families of OPPA members