Summer is now fully upon us and we wanted to share this uplifting message from Dr. Jody Carrington, a Canadian Psychologist and one of the featured experts on the Encompas portals.
Both portals feature the same curated resources library including Dr. Jody’s Hello Hero: VIP Course which is free for Encompas members and their family.
To access all portal resources, log in here if you have a Care Management Supported portal account or call our 24/7/365 Care Management Team @ 1-866 794-9117. Or click here for a Self-Directed portal experience.
You can also subscribe directly to Dr. Jody’s blog by visiting this website.
Wishing you joy this summer season,
Your Encompas Care Team

Summer lovin’ yourself and everyone around you
Sweet, sacred summer has finally shown up and I’m so very here for it!
In fact, this July I plan to jump right in, emulating my six-year-old self, cannonballing into the pool having the most uninhibited fun imaginable. Joy was my guide back then—I sought after nothing else and found excitement (and comedy) around every corner. My core mission was to find the things that made me happy, without restraint or insecurity.
Seeking out joy doesn’t mean you ignore the pain, or stuff down the emotions; it’s not about “faking it” until you feel better. It’s about having a child-like openness and curiosity toward new ideas and perspectives and making a conscious decision to admire the good things happening around us. Finding gratitude in our hearts for the seemingly insignificant things is a choice and a practice, but it can have a profound impact on our levels of joy.
It’s not woo-woo. I promise.
My friends, your only job this summer is to sink into joy, find the humour in every exchange, turn your face to the sun and just breathe. Feel the depth of what it means to just be alive. Then slap on that bathing suit with the confidence of a six-year-old and dive, headfirst, into July like it’s your job.